Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Makeup Advice

   I love makeup. I've been wearing it for what seems like forever (even though it's only been a few years), and I enjoy applying it. I read a ton makeup articles, and I find a decent amount of it interesting information. Some of it, I find is terrible advice.
   Makeup is a subjective art, and there's sooooo many contradicting pieces of information. Some people don't believe you should wear it, and some people wouldn't leave the house without it. It's really all in how you were raised, what's available to you, and your personal taste.
   My best friend is into wearing more natural looking makeup. She doesn't wear anything heavy, just enough to suit her personal preferences. That's great. While her definition of 'heavy' makeup is my definition of a light 'we have to leave in two minutes' look, it suits her just fine. We're complete opposites in that way (and most every other way too, but that's another topic for another post.)
   Personal taste varies incredibly. Even my mom and I have different tastes and routines. She does her makeup the same way every morning. I do mine different every day. She also does her makeup every morning, no matter what we're doing that day. I do mine whenever, without any sort of routine.
   Another thing about makeup advice, is that everyone has a different base skill level with applying makeup. Some person's idea of an 'easy mascara trick' is another's 'I just stabbed myself in the eye with a lash comb, we need to go to the emergency room' disaster. I also find it cool to observe the differences in advice, especially with popular things, like winged eyeliner and contouring.
   There's so many variables in makeup, including the time allowance people spend on makeup. Some will do a full contour and still leave time to bake their face. Others will spend five minutes on shadow, mascara and concealer and head out the door. Time's a big factor in makeup. I know I could spend hours doing my face, but I also could get away with doing 5 minutes, depending on my mood, and how much time I can spend.
   My point is, there's a crap load of bad makeup tips and advice. My advice to you, is to find what you like, and go with that. Not every makeup idea needs to come from Pinterest or an article. I'm not saying those things are bad, I'm saying that they shouldn't be the final say in what you do. Makeup should be fun, not a burden. So forget what you think you 'need' to do, and have fun with your makeup.

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