Thursday, September 24, 2015

Finally, I Posted!

   Hello readers! My apologies for the lack of posts this month. I've been busy, I've been sick and I haven't had any fantastic ideas for a post. Finally, I'm back and posting.
   What have I been doing this month? I've been doing school. A lot of school. The past week I was sick, so I had no motivation to do anything until today. Now, as part of getting my life back on track, I'm writing a blog post. (My chickens probably suffered the worst while I was under the weather. I'm their sole caretaker and they were left to the hands of my family for food and water. Poor things.)
   School has been great so far this year. We haven't been learning anything especially interesting, but it's been easy enough to learn. Our homeschool group is back in session as of last Friday. My favorite class is guitar.
   I enjoy guitar class. I already know some guitar, but I was happy to take a class to help me along. There are only three of us in the class, a girl who is about as advanced as me, and a boy who has never played guitar before. We learned some basic, yet interesting things. We have homeschool group again tomorrow, so I'm excited for that.
   I've recently been reading a lot of graphic novels. I want to write my own graphic novel eventually. I find it difficult to draw the characters. I tend to add too much detail and they end up looking creepy or I mess up the lines and they become wobbly and once again, creepy. I just have to keep working on it until I get it.
   We went to several festivals this month. I purchased an awesome dragon necklace that my mom hates and some health and beauty products. We saw interesting things and people, had tasty food and had a fun time at each of them.
   So that is a small recap of some of the stuff I've done this month. Once again, I'm sorry for the gap between posts. I hope to post again soon!


  1. It sounds like you have had a fun several weeks on hand, and believe it or not I now really want to see your dragon necklace, it sounds fascinating.


    1. I've tried to post pictures of my dragon necklace several times but my computer seems to have pitted itself against me. So until I can figure it out, I won't able to post the pictures I wanted to.

      Thank for commenting though! I always love hearing people thoughts on my posts. :)

      My love,

  2. I'm just learning to play the guitar, too. I only know two chords so far, G and C. I keep pushing the other strings and getting dead chords. I'm working on keeping my fingers curved, but it sure is a lot harder than it looks.

    I went to one festival this month. It was a Brazilian festival in Philadelphia. It was a lot of fun. Your necklace sounds pretty cool. You should post a picture of it sometime... :)

    1. Good luck with your guitar endeavors! It takes a lot of practice to get it sounding better. Your fingers will kill you until they callous. :)

      As I replied in the above comment, my computer won't let me post the pictures of my dragon necklace like I wanted to. Until I figure out the problem, I won't be able to post the pictures. :(

      Thank you for commenting!

      My love,


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