Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. When was the last time you relocated? Did you move yourself or leave it to the professionals? Are you happy staying put or is there a move in your future? Best thing about moving to a new city or town? Least favorite and/or hardest thing about moving house?

   We moved last when I was a little girl. I don't remember everything from the move, but I remember bits and pieces. Our family moved everything ourselves, with some help from our family. We don't plan on moving and I'm glad. The best thing about moving to a new city or town? I don't know, not having moved a large distance before, but if I could imagine it would be fun to explore, like going on a new adventure. Hardest part? Leaving home. All my friends, family, the places, stores and restaurants. That would be treacherous.

 2. When were you last 'moved to tears'? Explain.

   Hmm... I don't know. I'm not frequently moved to tears. It probably was some book.

 3. Do you have rules about eating in the car...any forbidden foods? What's the last thing you consumed in your car? Your go-to car snack when traveling long distance?

   Rules about eating in the car...we don't have any. Anything is fair game. I ate random food out of our lunch bag yesterday afternoon in the car. Our go-to snack when travelling long distance would probably be junk food we bought to eat specifically then.

4. Share a favorite song relating to cars and/or driving.

   Getaway Car by TobyMac.

5. What's your most frequently visited drive-thru...Starbucks? the bank? the pharmacy? some other window?

   The bank, probably. I've never been to Starbucks, and we go through the drive through occasionally, but we try to avoid them.

 6. "He who hesitates is lost"...would you agree? When it comes to making decisions do you generally act quickly or do you more often than not fall into the 'lost' category?

   I make my decisions quickly. I don't agree with the saying, though. Some decisions need to be thought over, and some can be made quickly.

 7. When was the last time you got lost? Was it stressful or an unexpected happy adventure?

   I don't remember the last time I was lost. I do remember one time, though, when I was little, several of my friends and I got lost in a corn maze. It was kind of scary, but a fun adventure the same.

 8.  Insert your own random thought here.

   Yesterday morning I went to the trail to hang with my friends. My one friends and I had a lot of fun talking about writing and resolving plot and characters with the books we are writing. I adore writing, and I have been so busy reading for the summer reading program at our library that I haven't had the time to write. The program ends on Friday, so I'm gearing up to get back into the swing of things. Happy Hodgepodge!


  1. I like writing too! Working on some stuff now but work is pretty busy so I have to squeeze it in when I can.

  2. I've just finished Anne Lamott's book Bird by Bird (on writing and life). It is so inspiring and has me itching to get back to writing on a regular basis. It has been a chaotic summer with a lot of real life to deal with so writing hasn't happened the way I like it to.


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